Monday 5 November 2007

"28dayslater - The UK UE Urbex Urban Exploration Forums"

Slowly but surely I am coming to terms with the work given to me on this project. The next stage is research, something that is quite new to me.
I want to start by talking about a website and forum I am a member and spend a lot of free time on. The site is

"28dayslater - The UK UE Urbex Urban Exploration Forums" Is the title given to the forum and i think it doesn't do justice to the community at all.
It is a forum where members will go out taking photographs of various different types of deserted areas in the UK and Europe. Areas such as deserted army bunkers, Universities and factories are high on the list.
Yes it is an Exploration site and takes pride in going into these deserted areas, but its not just about that. It is a great place for a novice photographer to look at other peoples work and learn from it, they can ask questions with out being made to feel stupid and you can also meet new people who will come with you on an exploration and be a good helping hand in getting you a good photograph.

This site is a must for a young photographer and I feel it influences my work and has been a good help.

Below are some photographs taken from the website and its members name above each image.


The Fox


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.