Thursday 1 November 2007

Under The Pier!

As I have only lived in Brighton now for a couple of months I have discovered that Brighton has a lot of tourists visiting. The town is very geared in up with shops, resaurants and museaums all designed for tourist.

With my photograhy project I want to show pictures that doesnt involve tourists. I want to show a part of my grid area where tourists do not go.
The places I found were in the north of my grid area, they were mainly alleyways which were very dark and not very good for photography.

I then headed to the pier and walked around photographing it, then I walked under the path that goes underneath the pier. it was deserted and doesn't get used. When researching what goes on down below the pier I found out that it can get flooded and is full of rats and wildlife.

Below are some of the photographs I took.

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