Sunday 18 November 2007

Car Photographs

Being a big car fan i have been fortunate to take photographs of some beautiful cars over the past year, where i have travelled to car shows such as the Le Mans 24 hour and Auto Italia.
Although they do not have anything to do with my Grid project i think you can see my improvement since beginning this module.

Below are some of my favorites i thought i would post up.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Who Is Nan Goldin?

Im still on my research stage of this project and wanted to look into more closely at current famous photographers around the world.
Knowing not one name of another photographer I took the first name my tutor told me about Nan Golding, and started looking into her work.

Goldin was born In Washington, D.C, USA in 1953, her first experience with a camera was when she was fifteen by her teacher who gave her class Polaroid cameras to play around with.
In the early 1970's she started taking photos of her friends in the transvestite community of Boston.
In 1977 she received a B.F.A. from Tufts University and in 1978 received a 5th year certificate.
During her school years she began to use Clibachrome prints.

She then moved to new york, a setting for many of her most famous photographs, she was taking photos of the punk rock scene that was taking place. These photographs later became grouped in a famous series of her photographs titled The Ballad of Sexual Dependency (1980–86). These photographs documented drug addiction, abusive couples and intimate details of Goldin's life.
This series managed to get Goldin work shown at the Biennial Exhibition at the Whitney Museum of America (1985) which Established Goldin as a major photographer.

She has had work shown at the...

Edinburgh and Berlin film festivals,
Guggenheim Museum, New York City,
Metropolitan Museum of Art Timetable of Art History, New York City,
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art,
Allen Art Museum at Oberlin College, Ohio,
Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst, Norway,
Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art, Torino, Italy,
Centre Pompidou, Paris,
Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland,
Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, Netherlands,
Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague,
Harn Museum at the University of Florida,
Harvard University Art Museums, Massachusetts,
Jersey Heritage Trust, UK,
Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest,
MUMOK - Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna,
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles,
Museum of Contemporary Photography at Columbia College, Chicago,
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece,
New York University Library,
Tate Gallery, London, UK,
The Jewish Museum, New York City,
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK.

Below are some of Goldin's pictures taken from the Guggenheim Museum website. (

Monday 5 November 2007

"28dayslater - The UK UE Urbex Urban Exploration Forums"

Slowly but surely I am coming to terms with the work given to me on this project. The next stage is research, something that is quite new to me.
I want to start by talking about a website and forum I am a member and spend a lot of free time on. The site is

"28dayslater - The UK UE Urbex Urban Exploration Forums" Is the title given to the forum and i think it doesn't do justice to the community at all.
It is a forum where members will go out taking photographs of various different types of deserted areas in the UK and Europe. Areas such as deserted army bunkers, Universities and factories are high on the list.
Yes it is an Exploration site and takes pride in going into these deserted areas, but its not just about that. It is a great place for a novice photographer to look at other peoples work and learn from it, they can ask questions with out being made to feel stupid and you can also meet new people who will come with you on an exploration and be a good helping hand in getting you a good photograph.

This site is a must for a young photographer and I feel it influences my work and has been a good help.

Below are some photographs taken from the website and its members name above each image.


The Fox


Thursday 1 November 2007

Under The Pier!

As I have only lived in Brighton now for a couple of months I have discovered that Brighton has a lot of tourists visiting. The town is very geared in up with shops, resaurants and museaums all designed for tourist.

With my photograhy project I want to show pictures that doesnt involve tourists. I want to show a part of my grid area where tourists do not go.
The places I found were in the north of my grid area, they were mainly alleyways which were very dark and not very good for photography.

I then headed to the pier and walked around photographing it, then I walked under the path that goes underneath the pier. it was deserted and doesn't get used. When researching what goes on down below the pier I found out that it can get flooded and is full of rats and wildlife.

Below are some of the photographs I took.

Monday 22 October 2007


After using a print film SLR camera for the first time in years, it was time to print my own photos.
This would involve a darkroom. I got the negatives developed by one of my tutors and I was ready.
I was shown how to use an enlarger with the correct lenses to get the best out of my image; it took my a few trial and errors until I got a good image.

We were told about the paper we are using to print the image on, we learnt about light and time of exposure to the light. I had a few problems at first understanding and made plenty of mistakes exposing the images for to long a time in the light and having a black print when printed.

I found that my photos I took had good exposure and were really good images.

Here is one of the prints I created and scanned on to the computer.

Friday 19 October 2007


Ok then, the title of my work is Grid project.

My project is based around the area shown above. This square mile is E6 on a map of Brighton.

The task has been set, I must research this area, find out what is interesting and document my findings by using photography as my tool.
The first week, I have taken out a digital and a SLR camera and started taking photos of buildings and monuments that have interest to me in this area.

Here are a few photos that have been taken with the digital camera.

I will upload the rest and keep them in a folder using Photoshop as I go on.

Tuesday 16 October 2007

The first Post

This is my first Blog ever, its about time to, I have only really used MySpace to Blog before but that is a bit different I presume.

So what am I going to use this Blog for?

I want to use it to document my progression in the Photography work for my degree (media and communication studies) at the University of Brighton.

To start of, I have enjoyed taking photos for a long time, mostly of my biggest interest which is Cars, I have taken many photos of friends and family before with a lot of photos been taken all around the world during my travels.
I haven’t really had a chance to go in depth and understand photography more until now, so I am hoping this module in my course will help my progress to better level and understanding in the world of photography.


Below are some photos taken by myself in the past couple years...